Monday, January 29, 2007

The Day After

Unwilling to let my first birding trip of the year be the only outing of the weekend, I trekked back to the lagoon from our place.

Notable birds and birds not seen or ID'd the day before include:

Purple Finch
Anna's Hummingbird
Green Heron

But most interesting was a double siting of the local fox. I saw him once last year and was very happy just knowing he was there. Yesterday I walked all the way around the lagoon as there were a number of dog owners doing things I should have mentioned to them that were not good for the local ecosystem. But I didn't -- I wussed out. Instead I walked to the other side of the lagoon to where I had never been before. Upon entering an opening, into the field that the Northern Harrier from Saturday was very likely patrolling, I saw the fox languidly taking in the sunlight. He saw me and slowly wandered into a den-looking mass of shrubberies. Awhile later as I was birding the inner perimeter we surprised each other, with him bounding off into the reeds and me getting to see him bound. Quite the thick bushy tail he had.

So my two favorite lagoon rarities, both of which I described but we did not see on Saturday, ended up being the main events of Sunday. Too bad Jessie didn't stay the weekend.


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