Friday, October 07, 2005

Bush on Board with Solar Power

"I had an interesting opportunity to go see some research and development being done on solar energy. I'm convinced, someday in the relative near future we'll be able to have units on our houses that will be able to power electronics within our houses, and hopefully, with excess energy, be able to feed them back in the system. That's possible. We're not there yet, but it's coming."
--GW Bush, October 4, 2005, The Rose Garden

The Theory of Relativity might help explain why Bush thinks that we're close to being able to power electronics in our houses with solar power. It may not explain to him the difference between an adjective and an adverb though.

I know that when I'm hungry, I like to feed them energies into the microwave and nuke me a leftover. But I wonder if I had more energy than I could use, could I feed them back into the wall and maybe even get paid for it? What if I made them energies myself or harvested them from our GOD, Apollo. Who would get the money? Me? The church? The state? The energy company? The oil company?

So many questions. It's a good thing we have time to figure it out before them units are developed.


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